救生員訓練班Life Guard Training Course
本校救生員訓練班定於5月10日至26日每天18:00-22:00訓練,凡男生五分鐘、女生六分鐘內游完200公尺 (100捷、100蛙)擇優錄取,訓練及格取得救生員證書。報名時間5月10日18:00-19:00. Tel: 6267 & 0912-373-372
Life guard training course will be held between 10 – 26 May, 2010. Daily 18:00-22:00.
Basic qualification: Candidate must be able to swim 200M (100M breaststroke and 100M freestyle) within 5 minutes for men and 6 minutes for women.
Certificate will be awarded on the completion of this training course.
Enrollment date: May 10, 2010.18:00-19:00) at the NTUST Swimming pool.
For further information, please call 6267 Mobil: 0912-373-372
水上救生教練訓練班Water Life Saving Instructor training course
本校水上救生教練班定於6月26日 至7月13日 ,每天18:00-22:00訓練,凡取得任一協會救生員證書者,均可報名(附影印本),同時測試捷泳、蛙泳、側泳、 仰泳各100公尺 ,男11分鐘、女12分鐘內游完及潛泳25公尺 ,擇優錄取。報名及測試時間為:6月26日 (星期六)下午14:00。Morrie Chiang 0912-373-372
Water Life Saving Instructor training course will be held between 26 June to 13 July, 2010. Daily 18:00-22:00.
Basic qualification: Candidate must be able to swim 400m (100m breaststroke、100m freestyle、100m side stroke、100m basic back stroke) with in 11 minutes for men and 12 minutes for women.Certificate will be awarded on the completion of this training course.
Enrollment & Test date: 14:00 June 26, 2010. at the
NTUST Swimming pool.
For further information, please call
Mobil: 0912-373-372 Morrie Chiang